Creating Student Observations

Use Easy Attendance as a simple student observation journal
Written by Alan
Updated 4 years ago

Student observations have been designed to be easily captured during the attendance recording process.

1. Tap the 'Take' Tab Bar item

2. Select the specific course/class,  then select the specific attendance date you would like to record a student observation for.

3. Select the student from the enrolled list

4. On this screen you will see the full student details including any custom information. To record an observation simply vist the 'Observations' section

5. You can then select 'Add Observation'

6. You're now free to record a student observation that will be recorded for the specific student.  Once commpleted, press 'Add'

7. You can now see a complete history of all of the student observations which can be emailed indiviually or all at once using the Apple Mail app. The report is available as a CSV format and looks like the example below.

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